Important Notes
Never share your public & private keys, they can only be used ONCE!
Never reformat, repair, update your PC once POS is installed, this will void your license
If you rate us with 5-stars in shopee with a good review (10 words and up), we will give you a FREE unlock key for premium features
For concerns, contact us via VIBER ONLY (0935-299-0010)
Installation guide
1. Download the installer from the link provided, unzip the downloaded file and install the POS.
2. After installing, run the created shortcut in your desktop.
3. If Microsoft Access Engine is not installed, the system will
reinstall it. If in case there's an error, you can manually
install it by opening one of these files:
* C://Thunderbolt POS/ACDB.exe - 32 bit
* C://Thunderbolt POS/ACDB-64.exe - 64 bit
***If you have Microsoft access 2010 already installed, this step is not needed***
4. If your system is Windows 7 and lower and cannot run the POS software, a Microsoft DotNet update might be needed. Do this by downloading the update here:
5. If both Microsoft Access and DotNet dependencies are satisfied or already installed, a machine ID should appear in the opening of the POS program, the machine ID looks like this "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-0000". If no machine ID appears, the system was not installed correctly please contact us immediately for remote assistance.
6. If a machine ID appears, congratulations, the POS is installed correctly. It's now time to register your machine to us to for your activation.
7. Open the POS, and fill up the registration form using the provided Public/Private keys.